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Arbok Pidgeot deck


A snake and a bird—it sounds like the start of an Aesop’s Fable, but it’s actually a deck where Arbok and Pidgeot work together against all odds. Pidgeot’s Drive Off ability forces the opponent to bring one of their Benched Pokémon into the Active Spot, while Arbok’s Corner attack locks the prey in place, preventing it from retreating.

Both Pokémon deliver a solid amount of damage relative to their attack costs and Arbok deals an additional 20 damage to P types, bringing Mewtwo ex within range of a two-attack KO.

Arbok A1-165 Genetic Apex from Pokemon TCG Pocket

Arbok Pidgeot - Suggested decklist

Rarity requirements

◊◊◊ – Pidgeot

◊◊ – Arbok, Sabrina, Giovanni

Booster pack requirements

Genetic Apex Mewtwo logo

Pidgey line

Genetic Apex Charizard logo


Arbok can be opened in all Genetic Apex packs while Pidgeot is in the otherwise good Mewtwo pack, making the deck easy to build. Sabrina acts as an extra Drive Off for when Pidgeot hasn’t fully evolved yet.


  • Arbok Pidgeot relies heavily on the exact combination of two Pokémon, one of which is a Stage 2. This makes it difficult to assemble and properly time for maximum effectiveness.

  • The deck’s overall damage output is low, with no attack exceeding a baseline of 70 damage.

  • Abilities like Drive Off can be countered by benching strong Pokémon or avoiding benching altogether. The deck excels at targeting lone Basic Pokémon, but its efficiency drops significantly once your opponent fields larger threats.