Aerodactyl ex is the first Pokémon ex to evolve from a Fossil Item. Fossils are generally used as a convenient tool since they act like Basic Pokémon without conflicting with a Poké Ball search like regular Basics. In that case however, they hurt Aerodactyl ex’s consistency which is usually used as a support card rather than the focus of its own deck.
As a support, Aerodactyl ex is a strong choice for decks. With 140HP, it matches Marowak ex but stands out with its Land Crush attack, which deals a reliable 80 damage starting on turn 2. Its Primeval Law ability prevents the Defending Pokémon from evolving and acts as a disruptive tool even from the Bench.
Thanks to its Old Amber stage, it’s convenient to splash Aerodactyl ex in a deck focusing on a select few Pokémon searchable by Poké Ball. In these decks, Aerodactyl ex adds a solid backup plan, combining a floodgate-like effect and steady damage with just 2 Energy, making it a great option for decks needing extra utility and pressure.
Aerodactyl ex - Primeape variant
This deck has the new Primeape from Mythical Island as the main identity definer. While less durable and weaker than the Genetic Apex Primeape when damaged, it stands out for dealing 50 damage for 1 Energy, a first for a non-ex Stage 1 Pokémon. With Giovanni, it can knock out many Basic Pokémon on turn 2, and can do it when going first.
The whole deck is made of Pokémon requiring very few Energy to be functional, with a surprisingly deep toolbox:
- Hitmonlee snipes the Bench, taking out Magikarp or softening Basics like Ralts before they have a chance evolve. It's also useful to bring Pokémon closer to the one-hit KO range in anticipation for the late game
- Marshadow is an all-around great Pokémon, offering the highest potential damage of any Basic Pokémon. It’s especially useful when going second, allowing for a Revenge knockout that few Pokémon can withstand. For example, if an opponent threatens to KO one of your Pokémon on turn 2, you can preemptively attach a Energy to Marshadow on turn 1. Even if your opponent hesitates, Marshadow’s mere presence can disrupt their strategy and let your Active Pokémon maintain pressure.
Aerodactyl ex fits well as an efficient attacker. Its Fossil pre-evolution doesn’t interfere with prioritizing Primeape in the early game. As the only 2 Point Pokémon in the deck, Aerodactyl ex is an excellent late-game closer when you’re down 2 points. Alternatively, when going second, attaching a Energy to Old Amber on turn 1 lets Aerodactyl ex come as early as turn 2 after an X Speed.
Tech cards in Aerodactyl ex decks
Mew ex
Damage sources in decks are relatively mild, leaving them vulnerable to late-game sweepers like Charizard ex and Mewtwo ex. Genome Hacking, requiring only energy, can turn those heavy hits back on their senders. This strategy works thanks to the low Energy requirements of the other Pokémon in Aerodactyl ex decks.
- Aerodactyl ex is a fairly standard Pokémon with 140HP and a 2 Energy attack dealing 80 damage—solid but unremarkable. It’s more of a supporting engine than a deck’s centerpiece.
- This is compounded by its reliance on a Fossil pre-evolution, which makes it harder to bring consistently. Fossils can’t be searched with Poké Ball, unlike other Basic Pokémon, limiting its appeal as a key piece in competitive play.
- Primeval Law, which prevents evolution, only affects the Active Pokémon. Since most key evolutions (like Gardevoir or Serperior) happen on the Bench, it’s easy to work around and often ineffective.
- Land Crush, while decent for early-game damage, lacks the punch needed in the late game against evolved Pokémon ex.